
Microbiology and Immunology Group
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Abstracts and Meeting Agenda
40th Annual Meeting
Caesars Palace Hotel
Las Vegas, Nevada
Nov. 10, 2006
MODERATORS: Richard K. Forster, MD
James Chodosh, MD
6:45 a.m. Registration
7:30 a.m.The
Incidence and Pathogenicity of Propionibacterium Acnes Keratitis
at the New York Eye & Ear Infirmary.
B Ovodenko, JA Seedor,
MK Shah, DC Ritterband, RS Koplin
The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, Department of Ophthalmology
and Laboratory Medicine
7:38 a.m.Steroid
for Corneal Ulcers Trial –Pilot Study Results.
N Acharya1, M Srinivasan2, M Mahalakshmi2, P Lalitha2,
S Costanza1, S McLeod1, J Whichter1, M Zegans3, T Lietman1
1Proctor Foundation/UCSF, San Francisco, CA, 2Aravind Eye
Hospital,Madurai, India, 3Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center, Dartmouth,
7:46 a.m. The
in vitro Activity of Three Novel Biomimetics (PMX30006, PMX30016,
PMX70004) Against Clinically Relevant Ocular Pathogens.
EG Romanowski, RP Kowalski, FS Mah, YJ Gordon
The Charles T. Campbell Ophthalmic Microbiology Laboratory, UPMC
Eye Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
7:54 a.m. Does
Cefuroxime Provide Better in vitro Susceptibility than the 4th Generation
Fluoroquinolones and Cefazolin?
JE Contreras, RP Kowalski, FS Mah, PP Thompson
The Charles T. Campbell Ophthalmic Microbiology Laboratory, UPMC
Eye Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
8:02 a.m. Spectrum
of Ocular Disease Caused by Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus
J Freidlin, N Acharya, TM Lietman, V Cevallos, JP Whitcher,
TP Margolis
Francis I. Proctor Foundation, San Francisco, CA
8:10 a.m. Visualization
of the Effect of Moxifloxacin on Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
RMQ Shanks, RP Kowalski, EG Romanowski, FS Mah, YJ Gordon
The Charles T. Campbell Ophthalmic Microbiology Laboratory, UPMC
Eye Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
8:18 a.m.In
vitro Activity of CSA-13 (Cationic Steroid Antibiotic) Against Ocular
Clinical Isolates.
MK Shah, DC Ritterband, JA Seedor, RS Koplin
The New York Eye and Ear Infirmary and New York Medical College,
Department of Ophthalmology and Laboratory Medicine, Valhalla, NY
8:26 a.m. Which
Antibiotic is More Consumer Friendly? The Relationship of in vitro
Coverage to Cost of Antibiotics.
P Farhi, R Kowalski, F Mah
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA
8:34 a.m.Biofilm
Forming Capability of Ocular Isolates of Coagulase Negative Staphylococci
and Effect of Biofilm Inhibitors.
S Sharma, A Duggirala, TP Das, P Garg, B Dorairajan
L.V. Prasad Eye Institute, Hyderabad India
8:42 a.m. A
Common Additive to Eye Drops, Polysorbate 80, Inhibits Biofilm Formation
of Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
CM Toutain1, CT Bramante2, ME
1Dartmouth Medical School, 2Dartmouth
8:50 a.m. Repeated
Mass Antibiotic Treatments for Infectious Trachoma in a Hyperendemic
Area: Elimination is Feasible.
BD Gaynor1,2, M Melese3, W Alemayehu3, T Lakew3, JD Chidambaram1,
J House1, KC Hong1, K Maxey1, JP Whitcher1,2, TM Lietman1,2
1F.I. Proctor Foundation and the 2Department of Ophthalmology,
University of California, San Francisco, USA. 3Orbis International,
8:58 a.m. In
vitro Synergy of Emerging Antimicrobial Agents against Fusarium
spp Isolated from Keratitis in South India.
B Shapiro1, P Lalitha2, M Srinivasan2,
NV Prajna2, N Acharya1, A Fothergill3,
J Ruiz3, J Chidambaram1, K Maxey1,
K Hong1, S McLeod1, T Lietman1
1University of Californnia San Francisco, 2Aravind
Eye Hospital, Madurai, India, 3University of Texas Heath
Sciences Center San Antonio
9:06 a.m. ReNu-Associated
Fusarium Keratitis Outbreak in San Francisco.
JI Ou1,2, MD Bernal1,2, N Acharya1, TM Lietman1, EC Strauss1, SD
McLeod1, V Cevallos1, C Donnellan1, DG Hwang1,2
1Francis I. Proctor Foundation and 2Cornea Service, University
of California San Francisco (UCSF). San Francisco, CA
9:14 a.m. Clinical
Response of Contact Lens Associated Fungal Keratitis on Topical
Fluoroquinolone Therapy.
WM Munir1, SI Rosenfeld2, I Udell3,
D Miller2, CL Karp2, EC Alfonso2
1Department of Ophthalmology, Boston University
School of Medicine, 2Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University
of Miami, Miller School of Medicine, 3Department of Ophthalmology,
North Shore LIJ Health System, Albert Einstein College of Medicine
9:22 a.m. An
Analysis of the Fusarium Keratitis at the New York Eye & Ear Infirmary.
K Chiu, JA Seedor, MK Shah, N Harizman, RS Koplin, DC Ritterband
Department of Ophthalmology and Laboratory Medicine, The
New York Eye and Ear Infirmary, New York, NY and New York Medical
College, Valhalla, NY
9:30 a.m. Bacterial
Proliferation in Acute Pseudophakic Endophthalmitis.
S Kobayakawa1, Y Okajima1, A Tuji2, T Tochikubo1
1Department of Ophthalmology, Toho U., Toyko, Japan, 2Department
of infection control and prevention, School of Nursing, Faculty
of Medicine, Toho U., Toyko, Japan
9:38 a.m. Moxifloxacin
(Vigamox) Prophylaxis Prevents Endophthalmitis in a Rabbit Model
Using a Contaminated Intravitreal Injection of Triamcinolone.
RP Kowalski, EG Romanowski, FS Mah, KA Yates, YJ Gordon
The Charles T. Campbell Laboratory, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA.
9:46 a.m. Perspectives
on Cefuroxime and the Recent ESCRS Postoperative Endophthalmitis
(POE) Study.
TP O'Brien1, SA Arshinoff2, FS Mah3
1Bascom Palmer Eye Institute, University of Miami Miller
School of Medicine, Palm Beach Gardens, FL, 2University of Toronto,
Toronto, Cananda, 3Department of Ophthalmology, University of Pittsburgh,
Pittsburgh, PA
9:54 a.m. Therapeutic
Keratoplasty for Recurring Infectious Keratitis Following Postoperative
HP Wadia, LA Wiley, J Sugar, MA Joseph
WVU Eye Institute and Illinois Eye & Ear Infirmary
10:02 a.m.Recurrence
Rates of Herpes Simplex Virus Keratitis in Contact lens Wearers
Compared to Non-Contact Lens Wearers.
JJ Mucci, VA Miraldi, A Galor, BH Jeng
Cole Eye Institute, Cleveland Clinic
10:10 a.m. Clinical
Spectrum of Chronic Active Herpes Zoster Keratitis.
MF Chan1, EC Strauss1, A Hu2, GN Holland2, TP Margolis1
1Francis I. Proctor Foundation and Department of Ophthalmology,
University of California at San Francisco and 2Jules Stein Eye Institute,
Department of Ophthalmology, University of California Los Angeles
10:18 a.m. Characterization
of Cytokine Proteomics in Pediatric Subperiosteal Abscesses of the
SY Fu, GY Su, SH McKinley, MT Yen
Cullen Eye Institute, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,
10:26 a.m. Benzalkonium
Chloride (BAK) Significantly Enhances the Antibacterial Efficacy
of Gatifloxacin in the Staphylococcus aureus NZW Rabbit Keratitis
FS Mah, EG Romanowski, RP Kowalski, KA Yates, YJ Gordon
The Charles T. Campbell Ophthalmic Microbiology Laboratory, UPMC
Eye Center, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA
10:34 a.m. Analysis
of OMIG Abstracts from 1983-2004: Have the Types of Research Presentations
Changed Over Time?
SK Kim, DG Hwang
Francis I. Proctor Foundation and Cornea Service, University
of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA
10:42 a.m. Thygeson
Lecture – William
T. Driebe, Jr., MD – Contact
Lens Related Ulcerative Keratitis
11:07 a.m. Closing Comments and Awards
11:15 a.m. Adjourn
